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Home > Troubleshooting > Delete Privado Keychain on Mac
Delete Privado Keychain on Mac
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You might want to do this, for example, in the case of authorization errors, if you’ve forgotten the password or for security reasons. 

1. Access the Applications folder on your device and open the Utilities folder.


2. Click on the "Keychain Access"  icon.


3. Find the "Passwords" category in the lower left of the menu at the left in the Keychain Access app window. Locate "PrivadoVPN" on the list (you can type PrivadoVPN in the search tab to narrow down your search).

4. Select each item, one by one, named: "Privado username", or “PrivadoVPN refresh token”, “PrivadoVPN access token”, “PrivadoVPN login” or “PrivadoVPN”, etc., and right-click to choose the option to Delete the keychain. Click on the "Delete" button in the pop-up message to confirm deletion. Delete the keychains for ALL items. For example: 


6. Enter your Mac Admin password when prompted, and click "Allow" on the pop-up message.
7. Relaunch the PrivadoVPN app and log in with your credentials. 

Recover items stored in a deleted keychain

If you deleted a keychain because you forgot the password, then remember your password later, you can recover the items stored in the deleted keychain.

  1. In the Keychain Access app  on your Mac, choose File > Add Keychain.

  2. Select the deleted keychain file and confirm your action. 


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