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Home > PrivadoVPN Setup Guides > PrivadoVPN Windows Setup
PrivadoVPN Windows Setup
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Compatible with Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11. 

* For Windows 7 please use this guide (only for Premium plans). 


Step 1: Download the PrivadoVPN Installer

• Go to the PrivadoVPN website > Software and click 'Download Now'.

• The downloaded .exe file will be saved to your browser downloads folder.



Step 2: Install the PrivadoVPN App

Double-click the downloaded .exe file to begin the installation.

• You will see a notification asking for permission to set up the PrivadoVPN app. Click 'Yes' to proceed.



• Then click 'Install'



Step 3: Launch PrivadoVPN

Once installation is complete:

• Click 'Launch' to open the PrivadoVPN app.



Step 4: Sign Up or Log In

Sign Up: If you need to create a new PrivadoVPN account.

Log In: If you already have an existing account. Enter your username and password (for registered accounts) and click 'Log In'


**If you forgot your password, click here



Step 5: Connect to a VPN Server

After logging in, the main app interface will appear.

To connect to a VPN server, you have two options:


Quick Connect:

• Click either the keyhole icon in the center of the screen or the 'Click to Connect' button.

• This will automatically connect you to the closest and fastest server.



Choose a Server Manually:

• Click on the 'Selected Location' section.



• Pick your preferred server from the list and click 'Connect'.

• Feel free to run a speed test to find the fastest server. Look for servers with the lowest ping and the highest download and upload speeds for the best performance.



Step 6: You’re Connected!

• The app will indicate an active VPN connection, and the Privado tray icon will turn green.

• If you want to verify a successful connection, refresh the Privado website and check your new location and status on the top bar.



Need Help?

If you have any questions or need further assistance, visit our Support Form:


Enjoy safe, secure, and private browsing with PrivadoVPN!


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